Discuss the health care administration barrier or issue you want to address for your capstone project paper. Briefly explain the proposed change plan for the problem or issue. Find a peer-reviewed article that demonstrates support for the problem or issue you have proposed. Post the article using APA format. Provide two or three sentences about the article explaining why it supports your proposed plan.
The health care barrier should be Access Issues in Healthcare.
Proposed Change would be increasing access to tele medicine.
Will attach my proposal
A professional capstone project should highlight the areas in which you have gained proficiency in all your health care administration courses to date. With this in mind, you must select a topic that will address a health care barrier that is relevant to health care administration and does not focus on patient care, rather improving some focus of health care in a manner that may be accomplished, implemented, and evaluated by those in health care administration.
A short description of the general proposed scope of your project (addressing technology, efficiency, access, quality, etc.): Healthcare access to specialty services in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has made a huge impact on the population of patients with chronic healthcare issues, along with those who have experienced an acute events. Over the past several months we have seen an increase of patients coming in critically ill due to lack of access to routine check up’s and specialty service availabilities. We have also seen a drastic increase of patients coming in critically ill due to staying home for fear of getting out and being exposed to the virus. We need to develop more telehealth / virtual access programs to allow these patients to be seen remotely to triage and present the patients with the best course of treatment for their condition. This can decrease the amount of non-emergent visits to the emergency department exposing both the patient and the staff.
The anticipated health care organization (HCO) that would best benefit from this proposal (hospital, health clinic, dental office, insurance organization, etc.): The healthcare organization that would be most beneficial from this program proposal would be the local hospital and the outlying clinics associated with the organization.
Briefly suggest how this proposal will address a health care administration issue and not a clinical issue (reduce turnover, data link, wearable data, identify resources for determinants of health, etc.: The administration department will have to develop ways to make sure their patients get the appropriate access to follow up appointments for specialty services and have access to acute care treatment if a problem arises. These plans can consist of telehealth programs, transport services. Additionally, this program can help decrease the re-admission rate for patients who have been discharged from the facility within the last 30 days. This will also help to keep patients that need specialty services that are not offered there within the system by having consults via telemedicine.
© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
494 Capstone Project Approval
Student Name:
A professional capstone project should highlight the
areas in which
you have gained proficiency
in all your health care administration courses to date. With this in mind, you must select a topic
that will address a health care barrier that is relevant to health care administration and does not
focus on patient care, rathe
r improving some focus of health care in a manner that may be
accomplished, implemented, and evaluated by those in health care administration.
A short description of the general proposed scope of your project (addressing technology,
efficiency, access, qua
lity, etc.):
Healthcare access to specialty services in the wake of the
19 pandemic has made a huge impact on the population of patients with chronic
healthcare issues, along with those who have
an acute event
. Over the past several
hs we have seen an increase of patients coming in critically ill due to lack of access to
routine check up
’s and specialt
y service availabilities
. We have also seen a drastic increase of
patients coming in critically ill due to staying home for fear of
out and being exposed to
the virus.
We need to develop more telehealth / virtual
programs to allow these patients to
be seen remotely to triage and present the patients with the best course of treatment for their
This can decrease the amount of non
emergent visits to the emergency department
exposing both the patient and the staff.
The anticipated health care organization (HCO) that would best benefit from this proposal
ospital, health clinic, dental office,
insurance organization, etc.):
The healthcare organization
that would be most beneficial from this program proposal would be the local hospital and the
clinics associated with the organization.
© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
HLT-494 Capstone Project Approval Form
Student Name:
A professional capstone project should highlight the areas in which you have gained proficiency
in all your health care administration courses to date. With this in mind, you must select a topic
that will address a health care barrier that is relevant to health care administration and does not
focus on patient care, rather improving some focus of health care in a manner that may be
accomplished, implemented, and evaluated by those in health care administration.
A short description of the general proposed scope of your project (addressing technology,
efficiency, access, quality, etc.): Healthcare access to specialty services in the wake of the
COVID-19 pandemic has made a huge impact on the population of patients with chronic
healthcare issues, along with those who have experienced an acute events. Over the past several
months we have seen an increase of patients coming in critically ill due to lack of access to
routine check up’s and specialty service availabilities. We have also seen a drastic increase of
patients coming in critically ill due to staying home for fear of getting out and being exposed to
the virus. We need to develop more telehealth / virtual access programs to allow these patients to
be seen remotely to triage and present the patients with the best course of treatment for their
condition. This can decrease the amount of non-emergent visits to the emergency department
exposing both the patient and the staff.
The anticipated health care organization (HCO) that would best benefit from this proposal
(hospital, health clinic, dental office, insurance organization, etc.): The healthcare organization
that would be most beneficial from this program proposal would be the local hospital and the
outlying clinics associated with the organization.