My Essay Thinkers
In search of professional and plagiarism-free custom writing services? Look no more! WhatsApp Via +1(689) 256-5483
Essay Writing Dissertation Writing
Proofreading Editing and Formating
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Why choose us
24/7 Support
Our support representatives are friendly, professional, and highly trained to offer assistance 24/7. Reach us via the live chat or email and get assisted promptly as we provide our services to job seekers, students, and professionals from diverse parts of the globe in different time zones. At Essay Thinkers, we understand that student life can be sometimes demanding as some are full-time workers and also want to have some fun with peers. On this background, our availability is around the clock. One of our staff members will always be available to serve you.
Original work
We provide 100% original content on all dissertations, essays, assignments, annotated bibliography, research proposals, book reviews, Resume or CV editing/ writing, school admission essays, business plans, marketing reports, and other assignments. Our writers are professionals trained to handle assignments in their speciality and understand plagiarism in academics is an unacceptable practice.
Privacy guarantee
Be assured that your personal information including financial data, communication with the support and most importantly, the order content provided is safe. Privacy is important to us as it is for you. Our relationship shall also be considered confidential. We use the recent technology available to ensure your safety and ours cannot be compromised. In no way will third parties get hold of your personal data.
Who we are

My Essay Thinkers was an idea created and implemented with an aim of helping students from across the globe succeed in their academics by getting quality work while they engage with all what the student life can offer including part or full time working and have some little entertainment. We have grown as a company due to the commitment shown in providing high-quality plagiarism-free papers and effective customer service.
We have approximately 190 expert writers with experience in all academic levels dealing with dissertations, research proposals, research papers, essays, business plans, proofreading and editing services among others. The expert writers include individuals from Native-speaking English nations holding either a Ph.D. or masters certificate.
Here at My Essay Thinkers, originality goes along with delivering quality work. We always maintain writers with high work ethics and who deliver quality in all urgent and non-urgent orders. Thus, all papers are written using credible sources and if need be, links for all references shall be provided.
What Our Customers Say
Our Guarantees

References/ Citations Guarantee
Have you ever ordered for an essay/ research paper/ dissertation and the tutor or supervisor questioned the authenticity of the citations and references used? Has this led to trouble for you or a colleague? Forging of references/ citations is tantamount to plagiarism. It is a practice in academic writing which is unacceptable. We guarantee you that all references/ citations provided are REAL and VERIFIABLE. In need of links to the references, let us know.