At a minimum, your outline should include the following:
- Introduction
- Identify the topic
- What makes this a global ethical dilemma
- Why we should care about this
- Thesis statement
- Rationale for one side of dilemma
- Evidence based support #1 (reason and resource)
- Evidence based support #2 (reason and resource)
- Evidence based support #3 (reason and resource)
- Rationale for the OTHER side of the dilemma (at least three points)
- Evidence based support #1 (reason and resource)
- Evidence based support #2 (reason and resource)
- Evidence based support #3 (reason and resource)
- Compare this issue in different countries
- Identify country #1 and how they view/experience this issue
- Identify country #2 and how they view/experience this issue
- Identify country #3 and how they view/experience this issue
- Conclusion
- References
Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file