Please review the identified anatomy dissections, histology images, and animations for the Module 07-09 Anatomy and Physiology Revealed (APR): Nervous module. Download the attached document, which contains the identified anatomy dissections and histology images that you are required to learn for your Module 07-09 Anatomy and Physiology Revealed (APR): Nervous module.
Once you have reviewed the identified anatomy dissections and histology images, you will be required to take the APR quiz on this specific APR module of content. You must score at least a 92% on it, but will have multiple attempts to achieve that score. Once completed with the APR quiz, please submit the summary page to the dropbox to document your completion and score. Please refer to the Student Resources in the left-hand course menu for instructions on how to take the APR quiz and submit your summary page.
To access the McGraw-Hill Anatomy and Physiology Revealed, please follow the instructions listed in the Student Resources link in the left-hand course menu titled, “BSC2346L APR Login Instructions”.
Module 01 APR Anatomical Structures: Body Orientation Abdominal cavity Abdominopelvic cavity Abdominopelvic region Anterior Axillary region Brachial region Carpal region Coronal plane Cranial cavity Cubital region Deep Diaphragm Distal Epigastric region Inferior Lateral Left flank region Left hypochondriac region Left inguinal region Left lower quadrant Left upper quadrant Medial Mediastinum Midsagittal plane Oblique plane Pectoral region Pelvic cavity Posterior Proximal Pubic region Right flank region Right hypochondriac region Right inguinal region Right lower quadrant Right upper quadrant Sagittal plane Superficial Superior Thoracic cavity Thoracic region Transverse plane Umbilical region Vertebral canal Animations: Body Orientation Homeostasis: Thermoregulation (3D) Animations: Cells and Chemistry 1. Passive transport: diffusion 2. Passive transport: osmosis Cell and organelles (3D) Cell cycle and mitosis Osmosis Osmosis and tonicity Animations: Tissues Connective tissue overview Epithelial tissue overview Four primary tissues (3D) Muscle tissue overview Nervous tissue overview
Module 02 APR Anatomical Structures: Integumentary Dermis Epidermis Eponychium Free edge of nail Hair Hypodermis Lateral nail fold Nail bed Nail body Nail matrix Nail root Histology: Integumentary Apocrine sweat gland Arrector pili m. Dermal papilla Dermis Duct of merocrine sweat gland Duct of sweat gland Epidermis Epithelium of apocrine sweat gland Hair Hair follicle Hair matrix Hair shaft Hypodermis Internal root sheath Keratinocyte Merocrine sweat gland Sebaceous gland Sebaceous gland and duct Stratum basale Stratum corneum Stratum granulosum Stratum lucidum Stratum spinosum Sweat gland Animations: Integumentary Burns (3D) Homeostasis: Thermoregulation (3D) Wound Healing (3D)
Module 03 APR Anatomical Structures: Skeletal Acetabulum Acromion Anterior cruciate ligament Appendicular skeleton Atlas Axial skeleton Axis Calcaneus Carpal bones Cervical curvature Cervical vertebra Clavicle Coccyx Coracoid process Costal cartilages Diaphysis Femur Fibrous capsule of knee joint Fibula Fibular collateral ligament Floating ribs Frontal bone Frontal sinus Greater trochanter Head of humerus Head of radius Humerus Iliac crest Ilium Intervertebral disc Intervertebral foramen Ischial tuberosity Ischium Lateral condyle of femur Lateral malleolus Lateral meniscus Lumbar curvature Lumbar vertebra Mandible Maxilla Maxillary sinus Medial condyle of femur Medial malleolus Medial meniscus Occipital bone Olecranon Parietal bone Patella Pectoral girdle Phalanges of fingers Posterior cruciate ligament Pubic symphysis Pubis Radius Sacrum Scapula Skeleton of lower limb Skeleton of upper limb Spine of scapula Spinous process Sternum Temporal bone Thoracic cage Thoracic vertebra Tibia Tibial collateral ligament Tibial tuberosity Transverse process Ulna Zygomatic bone Histology: Skeletal Central canal of osteon Interstitial lamella Lacuna of compact bone Lamella in osteon of compact bone Osteocyte Osteon Perforating canal Periosteum Trabecula of spongy bone Animations: Skeletal Appositional bone growth Bone cells and bone formation / Osteoporosis (3D) Elbow joint Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint Hip joint Knee joint Scapula Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Modules 04-05 APR Anatomical Structures: Muscular Biceps brachii m. Brachialis m. Deltoid m. Diaphragm Erector spinae m. External abdominal oblique m. External intercostal m. and membrane Gastrocnemius m. Gluteus maximus m. Gluteus medius m. Infraspinatus m. Internal abdominal oblique m. Internal intercostal m. Lateral head of triceps brachii m. Latissimus dorsi m. Levator scapulae m. Long head of biceps brachii m. Long head of biceps femoris m. Long head of triceps brachii m. Masseter m. Medial head of triceps brachii m. Pectoralis major m. Pectoralis minor m. Quadratus lumborum m. Quadriceps femoris m. Rectus abdominis m. Rectus femoris m. Rhomboid major m. Rhomboid minor m. Scalene mm. Semimembranosus m. Semitendinosus m. Short head of biceps brachii m. Soleus m. Sternocleidomastoid m. Subscapularis m. Supraspinatus m. Teres major m. Teres minor m. Tibialis anterior m. Transverse abdominis m. Trapezius m. Triceps brachii m. Vastus intermedius m. Vastus lateralis m. Vastus medialis m. Histology: Muscular A band Axon of motor neuron H band I band M line Motor end plate Myofibril Nucleus of skeletal muscle fiber Sarcomere Skeletal muscle fiber Z disc Animations: Muscular 1. The neuromuscular junction 2. Excitation-contraction coupling 3. Crossbridge cycling Cross bridge cycle Excitation-contraction coupling Neuromuscular junction Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle contraction (3D) Sliding filament
Modules 07-09 APR Anatomical Structures: Nervous Anterior cavity Anterior chamber Auditory tube Auricle of ear Brachial plexus Brain Brainstem Cauda equina Cerebellum Cerebrum Cervical region of spinal cord Choroid Ciliary body Cochlea Conus medullaris Cornea Corpus callosum Diencephalon Dorsal ramus Dorsal root Dorsal root ganglion Dorsal rootlets Dorsum of tongue Dura mater Epidural space External acoustic meatus Eye Femoral n. Frontal lobe Gray matter Gray matter of spinal cord Hypothalamus Incus Intercostal nn. Iris Lateral ventricle Lens Longitudinal fissure Lumbar region of spinal cord Malleus Median n. Midbrain Occipital lobe Olfactory bulb Olfactory mucosa Olfactory nn. (CN I) Olfactory tract Optic n. (CN II) Parietal lobe Pineal gland Pituitary gland Pons Posterior cavity Posterior chamber Pupil Radial n. Sciatic n. Sclera Semicircular canals Spinal cord Spinal nerve rootlets Stapes Suspensory ligaments of lens Sympathetic trunk Temporal bone Temporal lobe Thalamus Thoracic region of spinal cord Tympanic cavity Tympanic membrane Vagus n. (CN X) Vallate papilla Ventral ramus Ventral root Ventral rootlets Vestibule of ear White matter White matter of spinal cord Histology: Nervous Anterior cavity Anterior chamber Axon hillock Axon of motor neuron Choroid Ciliary body Cornea Dendrites of multipolar neuron Iris Lens Motor end plate Myelin sheath Myelinated axon Optic disk Optic n. (CN II) Posterior cavity Retina Sclera Skeletal muscle fiber Soma of neuron Unmyelinated axon Animations: Nervous Action potential generation Action potential propagation CSF flow Meninges Spinal cord anatomy and injury (3D) Stroke: Cerebrovascular accident (3D)
Module 10 APR Anatomical Structures: Endocrine Hypothalamus Infundibulum of pituitary gland Ovary Pancreas Pineal gland Pituitary gland Suprarenal cortex Suprarenal gland Suprarenal medulla Testis Thyroid gland 3D Model Hypothalamus Pineal gland Pituitary gland Animations: Endocrine 1. Endocrine system overview 2. Hormone action Hypothalamus and pituitary glands Pancreas Thyroid function / Hyperthyroidism (3D) Thyroid gland Type 1 diabetes (3D) Type 2 diabetes (3D)