Answer for 2 Questions TAP #1 (p.26) (attached) using Punctuation Principle (ch.1) and Uncertainty (ch.2) Principle.
For Question 1 give your opinion – Racial Profiling
For Question 2 give your opinion – How we identify yourself with others and how others identify us
CMST 340 Cultural Boundaries: Punctuation Principle
Problem Q: “What is the process of cultural identification?”
“What’s in a line?”
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
Basic terms:
Culture: a system of symbolic resources shared by a group of people
Represents meaning
Makes possible people to accomplish task
Symbolic meanings form system
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
Communication: the practice of creating and exchanging meaning or symbolic resources
Culture and Communication are interconnected!
Intercultural Communication: a process of interaction between groups of people with different systems of symbolic resources
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
How and Why people identify with each other and form cultures?
Process of Cultural ID
Group membership: In-group and Out-group
# of cultural identities: racial, national, ethnic, etc.
Our cultural ID is a “reflective self- image”
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
Looking glass self (MEAD)
Acquiring the view of ourselves based on the view of us by people from other cultures (reflective self-image)
Conflict arises when there are sharp differences between who we think we are and who others think we are!
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
Why a cultural self-image is formed?
Interaction with people from other cultures
Getting a better understanding of their self-image, maybe make changes
Interpreting not only other but also our own behavior and their reaction to it
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
Punctuation: “Communication(verbal/nonverbal) definition”
A process of perception through which people organize their ongoing interactions into recognizable openings, closings, causes, and effects.
Punctuation Principle: (Intercultural Comm.)
Same perspective:
Marks: skin color
Land and water borders…Boundary Lines
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
“What is a Boundary Line?”
Skin color, land borders, water borders, shared language, shared beliefs and values…
Boundary lines: fences, walls
Boundary lines: Constructive and Destructive
Hard BLs/ Soft BLs
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
“Boundary FIT”
An agreement from interacting cultures on the function of a boundary line between them
Example: Amish and Anglo-Saxons
“Nothing can stop the idea whose time has come!”
Cultural appropriation: taking away symbolic resources…example, former Yugoslavia (first edition)
Also called Cultural Erasure (second edition)
Cultural appropriation: (second edition) act of adopting elements of a culture without truly understanding of respecting it! (examples)
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
Punctuation Principle Defined:
IC can be seen in terms of boundary lines
Boundary lines between people from different cultures can be perceived as destructive or constructive
People from different cultures have certain boundary demands…agree to reach a boundary fit
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
“Punctuation Principle” is a process whereby people from different cultures define their collective identities by drawing boundary lines between themselves, looking for a mutually acceptable boundary fit.”
So…What’s in a line? A lot!!!!!
CMST 340: Punctuation Principle
Short definition:
Punctuation Principle is identifying Boundary Lines in- order to a find Boundary Fit!
CMST 340 Punctuation Principle
CASE STUDY: Russian/ Japanese Frontier (first edition)
Boundary Lines as conceptualization: (arbitrary and moveable)
Boundary lines as marks of cultural identity: (not clearly marked)
Searching for a boundary fit: (better now than before)
3 Periods:
Up to 18th Century
18th Century to begin 20th Century
1945- Present
CMST 340: Punctuation Principle
Case Study: “Peace Walls” in Northern Ireland (second edition)
Role played by “peace wall” in cultural ID
The “peace walls” as conceptualizations
3. Looking for a Boundary Fit!
CMST 340: Punctuation Principle
Punctuation Principle:
“ A process whereby people from different groups define their collective identities by drawing boundary lines between themselves. Looking for a mutually acceptable boundary fit!”
CMST 340: Punctuation Principle
Punctuation Principle (short definition):
“The process of identifying boundary lines in order to find boundary fits!”