Health 230 Food Label Assignment
There are SIX food groups listed below. Please choose TWO to use for this assignment.
1. Grains
2. Vegetables
3. Fruits
4. Oils and fats
5. Milk
6. Meat and beans
Obtain two food labels from the 2 groups you selected based on foods that you normally buy and use. This will be a total of 4 labels (2 from each group). For each label complete the food label guide questions form and take a picture of the label (including the ingredient listing and nutrition panel). If possible, one should be less processed, and one should be more processed. For example,
Less processed = whole-grain bread, cereals, whole grain rice More processed = canned refrigerated biscuits, sugar cereals, white pastas
Less processed =fresh or frozen vegetables: More processed = canned vegetables
Less processed = fresh fruit, unsweetened canned fruit, 100% fruit juice More processed= canned fruit or packaged fruit
cooking oil, salad oil, margarine, butter, shortening, lard (all are processed)
non-fat dairy products, low-fat dairy products, full-fat dairy products, ice cream, heavy or half and half coffee creamers ( do not use non-dairy creamers)
Less processed= fresh meat, fish, poultry; frozen meat, fish poultry; dried beans More processed = canned meat, fish poultry products, convenience foods, canned beans, textured vegetable protein, peanut butter
The next part of the assignment involves comparing the two foods you have chosen from each group by filling out the “Food for Thought” sheets. Fill out one for each of your groups. Fill in the nutrients you can based on what is listed on your label.
In Canvas, under your assignment for week 4 of the course ( food label assignment) turn in pictures of the 4 food labels ( include the ingredient listing and the nutrition panel), analysis sheets (2 from each chosen food group…4 total analysis sheets) and 2 “Food For Thought” worksheets ( one for each chosen food group set of labels)
PLEASE NOTE: You will need to fill in 4 copies of the “Analysis Questions for Food Labels” and 2 copies of the “Food Label Summary Questions for Thought” The forms are on the next 2 pages.
Name______________________ Product Name_____________________
Analysis Questions for food labels: (fill out one of these for each food label)
What is the serving size? _________How many servings are in the container?________
How many Calories are in one serving?______
Does a serving of this food contain trans-fat?____________
How many grams of saturated fat are in one serving? ______
How many servings would put you over the maximum recommended amount of saturated fat for one day? _____
How many milligrams of sodium are in one serving of this food? ______
How many servings would put you over the maximum recommended sodium intake for the day? ______
How many grams of sugar are in one serving of this food? ___
How many grams of fiber are in one serving of this food? _____
List the % of DV for the following, and then tell how many servings it would take to get 100 percent of the daily value (DV) for….list those that appear on your label
Nutrient % DV # Servings Needed to get 100 % DV
Calcium ____ _____ (if nutrient is not present, put NA)
Iron ____ _____(if nutrient is not present, put N/A)
Vitamin D ——- ———(if nutrient not present put N/A)
Potassium ——- ——–(if nutrient not present put N/A)
List any other vitamins or minerals provided by this food if mentioned on the label.
How many ingredients are contained in this food? ______
What are the first two ingredients listed? ______________ and __________________
In your opinion is this food energy (calorie) dense or nutrient dense?
Food For Thought Label Summary Questions
Food group ___________________ (grains, fruit, vegetables, etc)
Did you find a great difference in the nutrient quality between the two food choices in your food group? How were the foods different?
What were the main differences between the more processed foods (more added ingredients) and the less processed foods (fewer added ingredients), in terms of
Total calories
Total fat
Total saturated fat
Total sodium
Total fiber
Vitamins and minerals
Any other differences
Was one of the foods more convenient to prepare and serve?
Which one of the foods was cheaper to prepare and serve?