October 2, 2020

Introduction to Counseling: An Art and Science Perspective

Introduction to Counseling: An Art and Science Perspective Chapter 8: Experiential Theories and Approaches Nystul, Introduction to Counseling: An Art and Science Perspective © 2016 SAGE Publications, Inc Art and Science of Experiential Counseling Counseling relationship is based on Humanistic Psychology Candid and authentic interactions Experiential approach allows for intensity in relationship Counselor uses self-transcendence to experience client’s emotion Nystul, […]
October 2, 2020

Childhood depression and medication

Socw 6443 Project: Final Paper proposal: Questions and Controversies in Clinical Psychopharmacology In this Final Paper Proposal, you to submit your proposal to your Instructor for feedback and approval of your final paper topic. During Week 4, your Instructor will provide feedback and explain any necessary modifications of your Final Paper proposal. Once your Instructor approves your Final Paper Proposal, […]
October 2, 2020

Evaluate the history of cryptography from its origins.  Analyze how cryptography was used and describe how it grew within history.

Evaluate the history of cryptography from its origins.  Analyze how cryptography was used and describe how it grew within history.  The writing assignment requires a minimum of two written pages to evaluate the history.  You must use a minimum of three scholarly articles to complete the assignment. 600 words, APA format
October 2, 2020

What is alcohol socialization

According to Rolando et al. (2012), “alcohol socialization is the process by which a person approaches and familiarizes with alcohol learns about the values connected to its use and about how, when and where s/he can or cannot drink.” Based on the focus group findings, describe what the first drink means in both Italy and Finland, and what types of […]
October 2, 2020

Implications Of Social Work Practice At The Mezzo Level For Bipolar Disorder

Implications of Social work practice at the mezzo level for Bipolar disorder 150 words cited is fine Please need help formatting my reference page APA 7. Thank you Attachment below Reference page 1. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/bipolar-disorder/index.shtml 2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bipolar-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20355955 3. https://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/mental-health-bipolar-disorder Yadav, Jaya & Sharma, Satish & Singh, Lalit & Singh, Tanuja & Chauhan, Deepa. (2013). BIPOLAR DISORDER IN ADULTS. INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. 4. […]
October 2, 2020

Bipolar Disorder And Anticonvulsant/Mood-Stabilizing Medications

WK 4 SOCW 6443 Discussion 1: Bipolar Disorder and Anticonvulsant/Mood-Stabilizing Medications Mental health professionals are aware of tendencies and respond to behaviors such as impulsivity in order to create treatment plans that are intended to prevent or ameliorate symptoms before lasting consequences occur. Although mental health professionals should follow established protocols by attempting to have clients act on their own […]
October 2, 2020

Write a three page paper on your family’s historical and/or contemporary experience in the United States and/or elsewhere, focusing on the significance of natural resources in shaping the lives of family members and yourself. If you wish, you may write on a friend or interview subject’s family history.

Assignment:  Write a three page paper on your family’s historical and/or contemporary experience in the United States and/or elsewhere, focusing on the significance of natural resources in shaping the lives of family members and yourself.  If you wish, you may write on a friend or interview subject’s family history. Goals:  This assignment is intended to get you to think about […]
October 2, 2020

Leader/Context Interaction And Theory Applicability

Leadership theories often examine the interaction between the leader and the situation or context. In this assignment, you will identify and contrast two leadership theories with regard to their treatment of the interaction between the leader and the situation or context and evaluate the applicability of the theories to a variety of situations. General Requirements: Use the following information to […]
October 2, 2020

Human Geogrpahy

Summary: · Due no later than 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday of Unit 9 · Worth 25% of final grade Late Submission Policy · This assignment is subject to the Late Submission penalty policy, namely 5% per day for three days. · This page will close and will not allow further submissions after this Late Submission period has expired. […]
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