October 2, 2020

Explain what nepotism means and how it creates issues in the workplace. Discuss how nepotism should be part of the organization’s code of ethics. Feel free to incorporate your experiences in your response.

Discussion posts Class one: at least 150 words at least one scholarly source Nepotism Model (Group #1): Initial Post: Explain what nepotism means and how it creates issues in the workplace. Discuss how nepotism should be part of the organization’s code of ethics. Feel free to incorporate your experiences in your response.   Class two: at least 150 words, at least […]
October 2, 2020

Social Work- Leadership And Strategic Planning

In this assignment, you consider how leaders can engage in a strategic planning process with stakeholders to develop a plan to guide the organization’s evolution and development for the long-term. Since strategic planning should engage persons who will be affected by an organization’s decisions (e.g., staff, administration, board members, members of the community), it is important to include key stakeholders […]
October 2, 2020

Do you think American Civil Religion violates the 1st Amendment? Do you think that  it can be dangerous?

Lesson 4 Discussion No unread replies.11 reply. Do you think American Civil Religion violates the 1st Amendment? Do you think that  it can be dangerous? minimum 400 words —————————————————————————————————————————————— the document attached is the second part of the assignment due 10/1/2020 Wikipedia* provides the following selective list of 1st Amendment religious issues addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court: 1. Standing […]
October 2, 2020

How has gender as a social construct impacted your life choices?

In this course we will address a number of topics related to gender and society.  To analyze the impact of gender in society, we will first examine the way in which gender has affected our lives as individuals.  For this assignment, you will describe your “gendered self,” providing a description of gender in your everyday life, and then analyze the […]
October 2, 2020

Skills lab

Skills lab 2 PowerPoint week 4 During the on-ground, residency portion of Skills Lab II, you will have attended sessions covering topics relevant to advanced clinical social work practice. During Skills Lab II,  You will create your own case—this case will be a situation you have faced in practice or one you create. During the presentation, you and each group […]
October 2, 2020

Re-read the description of women that the textbook quotes from the Malleus Maleficarum (in the section called “women as witches.”). Compare and contrast the description to the way women are presented in the documentary “The Virgin Daughters.” Make at least THREE distinct comparisons AND/OR contrasts, and indicate them with the words first, second, and third.

Please answer each of the four questions with at least 100 words in length to qualify for an A. (A little longer is fine, but don’t go overboard! Part of making a good answer is deciding what the most important points are). 1. Re-read the description of women that the textbook quotes from the Malleus Maleficarum (in the section called “women as […]
October 2, 2020

Social Inequality

issues of social inequality in our society. Read the instructions and guidelines below carefully and review the grading rubric before submitting your work! Instructions: Find a NEWS article that addresses a recent example of social inequality. It can involve any form of inequality discussed in the book, such as race or ethnicity, gender, class, etc. (A news article is an article from a […]
October 2, 2020

Cultural Sensitivity In The Workplace And Community

To Prepare: Choose a local human or social services agency that you are familiar with and find at least one possible violation of the agency’s guidelines with respect to cultural sensitivity. Consider the following questions as you review the agency’s guidelines: Are there professionals who come from the same ethnic groups served? Are professionals given training on self-reflection in order […]
October 2, 2020

In what ways do you see a two-step flow existing in new media?  Can this formulation apply to social media; why or why not?

Read the lecture ppt and answer these questions: In what ways do you see a two-step flow existing in new media?  Can this formulation apply to social media; why or why not? Where do influencers and partisan pundits fit within the two-step flow landscape? Do you think a War of the Worlds-like scenario is possible using present-day new media?  If […]
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