October 2, 2020

Voting Steps

Find out how to register to vote in your community and answer the following. a) Identify all the necessary forms and document the steps one needs to take in order to register for the next election. b) Is it a simple process? c) Identify barriers you think might make it difficult for some people to register? d) How might the process be improved?
October 2, 2020

Elements of Art

the question is the article below Guided Viewing: The Visual Elements Visit the Musee Thyssen-Bornemisa, in Madrid, on Google Art Project (by clicking the hyperlink). Explore the collection and look at the different works of art on display. From the collection, select two works of art: one by Paul Cezanne or Edgar Degas and one by an Italian Renaissance artist. Remember […]
October 2, 2020

Intro To Social Theory

Currently, American society is suffering from multiple crises such as economic crisis, social crisis, health crisis, climate crisis, political crisis, and legitimacy crisis. The economic crisis is due to a global pandemic and a consequent lockdown that has claimed thousands of lives, millions of jobs, and hundreds of businesses. The social crisis is manifested in the levels of social inequality […]
October 2, 2020

Paradigm Analysis Paper

APA Format 7 pages (not incl. title & ref. page) 5 or more references Please make sure all questions are answered Must be in third person, can be in first person when answering the questions 1-5. Based on the book : Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Shifting Paradigms in Essential Knowledge for Social Work Practice By: Joe M. Schriver […]
October 2, 2020

write a 1 paragraph position paper, arguing for or against using nuclear power

Please write a 1 paragraph position paper, arguing for or against using nuclear power. Make sure to consider “who, what, when, where, why, and how.” There are no points for picking a specific side of the argument, so there is no “wrong” answer. But make sure to defend your answer. There is no specific format requirement (you pick margins; font type and size), but […]
October 2, 2020

Write an essay on the Value of Online Fundraising

Class one Value of Online Fundraising Your nonprofit organization’s leadership has never conducted any form of online fundraising nor have they used social media to promote their organization. You have been asked by the CEO to research the values of online fundraising and the use of social media and share your findings with your boss. Write a memo to CEO […]
October 2, 2020

Journal Article

in order to do the assignment you have to look back at the proposal journal to complete the response draft. Proposal on Journal Article Response For the proposal portion of the Journal Article Response writing assignment I have chosen to review a peer reviewed article by Sadowski and Wojcieszak. The authors provide an assessment based on Poland tourism sector where […]
October 2, 2020

What is your theme? On Page 129 of Detecting Icebergs

Paper – What is your theme? On Page 129 of Detecting Icebergs, an article found in your lesson folder, read What is Your Theme? Write a 4-page paper answering the questions in the section and identifying what your theme may be. Give examples and explain. Do not forget to use APA. The citation for the article is found below. Reivich, Karen & Shatte. […]
October 2, 2020

Why are the social sciences considered sciences? 

Now that you have been introduced to the social sciences and the methods they use to collect data in Chapter 1, watch the video Neighborhoods of Refuge that showcases the work local sociologists are doing to address the issue of homelessness. Answer the following questions in a post of at least 150 words: Why are the social sciences considered sciences? How do […]
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