Refined Concept and Start of Literature Review ( 4-5 pages).
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Designing a drone for power line inspection
Refined Concept and Start of Literature Review
Continue researching material for your Independent Design Project paper by conducting a literature review and identifying the robotic system design processes and tools most applicable to your approach and intended platform use.
Identify the applicable rationale and design decisions associated with the selected process(es) and tools. Make sure to also address why your model/process is the most appropriate to support your research, including justifying rationale and an example of how it could be applied within the context of your proposal. This will also be a good time to add further details and evidence supporting your introduction material, as needed and in response to instructor feedback.
Research log entry Research Example
Broten, G., Monckton, S., Giesbrecht, J., & Collier, J. (2006). Software Systems for Robotics: An Applied Research Perspective. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 3(1), 11-16. Retrieved from
This article, written by Broten, Monckton, Giesbrecht, and Collier (2006), describes the Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)’s experience associated with the shift from teleoperated UGVs to autonomous unmanned vehicles (UV). The information presented in this reference is applicable since it provides reasoning why some researchers believe the human element should be removed from the control hierarchy of unmanned vehicle control.
Literature Review
Discuss and list different sources and applicability found from your literature review (see Research log entry example above); breakup into relevant subcategories/subsections, as appropriate. For example: Comment by Terwilliger, Brent A.: Do not just “copy and paste” your research entry material here; distill the concepts down into a clearly connected and logically flowing narrative, paraphrasing materials. Comment by Brent: See the following resource for APA format requirements of headings/subheadings:
Discuss the background of the issue; expand beyond the brief introduction and problem statement above. Include historical narrative of what has led to and continues to contribute toward the problem; observable effects; perceived results, if left untreated; and further rationale supporting investigation.
Design and Development Processes and Models
Discuss the processes and models available to support this type of design and development activity. Examine and identify recent examples where such methods have been applied (successfully and/or unsuccessfully); discuss strengths, weaknesses, and potential risks associated with the identified methods.
Related Research and Development
Discuss who has engaged in similar research; what were their results/findings; have any innovative or possible useful solutions been proposed; what has limited their success in addressing the problem?
Technological Advancements
Discuss other technological areas with the potential to address the problem; does this technology require adaptation or modification; what are the costs or requirements to use; what is the state of the technology and can it be expected to help address the entire issue or a portion of the greater problem?
References Comment by Brent: See the following list for APA formatting of required references:
Add relevant reference citations that support your work, including any assertions or identification of “facts.”
This paper must feature the use of proper APA citations and references; be grammatically-sound and free of spelling errors, follows required formatting rules; and fully addresses the given assignment.
Drone for Power lines Inspection
Institution: ERAU
Design Overview
Industrial users increasingly depend on drones technology for the active collection of aerial data. The technology is fostering professional workflows’ advancement by enabling the use of advanced sensors in diverse combinations. The combinations aid in implementing sophisticated tasks such as land surveying, bridge inspections, and search and rescue missions. Industry application examples’ include energy facility inspections through the visualization of extensive power line networks with vertical infrastructure and unparalleled detail.
The use of a drone enhances safety since work can continue from a distance. It can handle harsh conditions, and it also offers managers in the construction site a useful tool to evaluate workflow and progress. Using drones in the powerline and infrastructure inspections helps different agencies in ensuring they mitigate corporate risks. Applying drones in the inspections would help keep the workforce out of harm and save the corporations time that they may be engaged in the inspection process. The safety recovery maintained by drones can help minimize any form of costs that may be engaged in different activities, including compensation insurance. The drone’s reliability of the data helps organizations become more compliant with environmental regulations, promoting more risk-abatement benefits.
The objective drone is to inspect massive structures such as power lines and energy infrastructures. The drone should use the newest image of technology transmission; the technology is known as Ocusync 2.0. The drone should be able to fly in a wide range of environmental conditions due to its enclosed design that ensures water and weather resistance. The drone’s ultimate aerial productivity platform combines simple configurability and rugged design to function as a solution for various industrial applications. The drone should have a traffic control system to fly safely and past each other without colliding. The drone should operate beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS) to make a realistic and effective risk assessment. The drone should be outfitted with a D-RTK module to resist magnetic interference. It also should be capable of carrying an optical camera and a thermal camera to accelerate problem detection and diagnosis. To help in determining the points of interference, a frequency spectrometer can be utilized.
AeroVironment RQ-14 Dragon Eye / Swift. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Haye, K. (2019). Impossible Aerospace provides 4K footage of US-1 drone in flight. Retrieved from
How to Use Drones for Power-line Inspections. (2018). Retrieved from
Jensen, O. B. (2016). Drone city – power, design and aerial mobility in the age of “smart cities”. Geographical Helvetica, 71(2), 67-75. doi: