A. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the finances of the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
Laws and health regulations on technology are significant and when they are violated they can have an impact on the finances of the organizations specifically when they are not timely addressed. In an organization, health finance usually includes the funds allocated to various healthcare sectors in addition to the mechanisms that are needed in the payment for patient care delivered. For instance, the agenda of the American health policy has been over the years dominated by the increasing rise in the costs of administering healthcare. The purpose of technology within an organization is to reduce the expenses incurred by reducing transaction time and bringing in more effectiveness and efficiency. Technology within an organization benefits both the employees and the clients. Thus, when any healthcare rules and regulations are violated, the finances of the institution are negatively affected. For health centers, there is the False Claims Act, a federal law which covers fraud which involves programs or contracts that are funded by the Federal Government such as the Medicaid and Medicare. In a circumstance in which this Act can be violated is when the health institution presents to the federal government, a false claim to seek payment or using a false statement or record to have a certain claim paid. When such a payment is paid, it becomes irregular and upon suspicion and investigations proving this act, penalties can be applied to the institution as per the rules and regulations. In addition to this, the Medicaid across healthcare institutions is governed by the Affordable Care Act. According to this Act, people who earn high incomes should contribute more compared to their counterparts in low income levels. When this act is violated, the finances which various institutions within a region receive tend to decrease.
Whistle-blowing is another problem which can be faced due to lack of compliance. Lack of following laws and guidelines from the government has resulted to the financial problems faced by the Feather Medical Center organization. Moreover, the organization has had problems in keeping records which has resulted to poor medical care of patients. However, if this happens in the organization, employers can whistle blow since they are under protection from the Whistleblower Protection Act. Trinckes Jr, (2012) defines a whistle blower an employee who reports the misconducts of an employer. Mistakes such as not recording the patient’s data could lead to whistle blowing which can later cause great loses in the organization financially.
B. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the daily operations of the institution if these violations are not addressed. Be sure to support your response with examples.
The main objective of having healthcare policies and procedures is provision of standardization in the normal operating activities within the organization. In the healthcare industry, policy is paramount because it helps in setting a plan of action which is utilized in providing guidance on the outcomes desired in addition to making informed decisions. Some of the acts in the health institutions which are directly related to the daily operational activities include the HIPAA and the Affordable Care Act. Nonetheless, there is possibility of these policies being violated by the stakeholders. For instance, when the Affordable Care Act is violated, all the employees are put at risk losing their jobs. This is so because the policy seeks to have employees adhere to certain regulations when performing their day-to-day activities. In addition, when the HIPAA is violated, bodies which are in charge of overseeing the healthcare facilities increase their on-site visits. Such an action increases the risk of the facility in terms of more deficiencies and possible penalties (Hunter, 2007).
Office operations are successful due to the regulations and laws impacted on technology such that if these laws are violated, this could lead serious consequences in the daily operations. Healthcare facilities are advised to include policies and procedures which will ensure that medical records are preserved carefully. The facilities should introduce guidelines which show employees how to create, distribute, destroy and store confidential documents. The staffs that operate daily patient activities should be well aware of the government privacy protocols such as HIPAA and HITECH among others. Medical records should be preserved for future use due to the patients’ healthcare needs, audits and investigations (Lincke, 2015). Patient information and records can easily be stolen if there is no compliance in storing them. Therefore, healthcare facilities have to facilitate the rules and regulation in their daily activities so as to preserve and protect patient information (Lincke, 2015).
C. Determine how violating health regulations and laws regarding technology could impact the security of the health information in the institution if these violations are not addressed.
There could be a huge impact on the security of the health information in a healthcare facility if the rules and regulations are not addressed in cases of violation. A breach to the security of health information can lead to huge financial problems as well as ethical problems. Two major acts which have rules and regulations guiding on the safety of health information are the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It is critical for a healthcare setting to exercise compliance training and provide an ongoing awareness to the managers for both regulation and making an update. By gaining this knowledge, the managers can communicate to the employees on the latest safety and security measures needed to ensure non-violation of the acts guarding security of health information. Such a move ensures staff updates the technology in place for compliance purposes. Lee (2014) states that when technological systems used in a healthcare facility do not comply with the HITECH or HIPAA, they become easy targets for breaching which if not addressed amounts to a host of other challenges such as the theft of patients personal information. According to Lee (2014), HITECH and HIPAA have been developed in such a way that a breach which is considered out of control is not penalized considering that all laws and regulations were followed correctly. On the other hand, for regular violations and the facility claims it was unaware of the existing law and provides proof for their innocence, the penalty charged is limited. However, in a case where the breach to the security of information is considered as negligence, a hefty fine would be applied in addition to a number of actions that negatively affects the institution.
The government and other regulatory bodies have regulations which help the public from health risks and also ensures smooth running of the health care industry. According to Green, 2005 healthcare regulations are not only implemented and developed by the government but also by other private organizations. Additionally, these regulations ensure that the patients are provided with safe health care. Therefore, the health facilities are called upon to always abide to the laws which are set for them.
Green, M.A.,& Bowie, M.J. (2005). Essentials of health information management: principles and practices. Australia Thomson/Delmar Learning
Hunter, N. D. (2007). Public-private health law: multiple directions in public health. J. Health Care L. &Pol’y, 10, 89.
Lee, C. (2014). The Practical Guide to HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance, Second Edition, 45-58
Lincke, S. (2015).Complying with HIPAA and HITECH. Security Planning, 235-253.
Trinckes Jr, J. J. (2012). The definitive guide to complying with the HIPAA/HITECH privacy and security rules. CRC Press.