Find a company that you think has ethics, social responsibility, or environmentally sustainable polices that directly contribute to its competitive advantage. Be specific about how such policies contribute to the firm’s competitive advantage
Find a company that you think has ethics, social responsibility, or environmentally sustainable polices that directly contribute to its competitive advantage. Be specific about how such policies contribute to the firm’s competitive advantage. Include at least one reference. Be sure to perform an independent analysis; do not post an analysis done by someone else (i.e., a published article).
Post a response to Discussion Topic by Saturday midnight East Coast US time.
After you have made your first contribution in the Discussion topic for week 10, assuming the role of a management consultant, critically review and respond substantively to at least one colleague’s posts. Focus your review and (respectful) response on the strength of your colleague’s supporting argument and evidence, on presenting alternative perspectives, and on sharing insights that may prove helpful for the future individual assignments in this course. Try to ask a direct question.
Come back in on Monday and respond to any questions posed by the people who reviewed your initial post.