Essay Exam III
Question: How do you see America and the world changing in Chapters 25-28?
Answer the question in an essay of about 10-12 paragraphs (at least four pages of writing).
Develop a main point that relates to all of the chapters. For example, you might consider how America’s relationship to the rest of the world changed in this era. Or, you might consider how our economy and society changed, and what forces underlie these changes.
This essay should include, within it, at least two key terms or questions from each of the reading handouts for Chapters 25-28. Please put each key term (or key words from a question) in bold the first time you discuss it in a significant way.
Include at least four pictures with brief descriptions to note how they help us grasp the main points.
Please start with an introduction, where you give an overview of the major events or trends you wish to cover.
End with a conclusion, where you note how events of the era shaped the world we live in today. You may also want to reflect on how the material helps you grow as a historian.
Keys to Success:
· Explain your points simply, like you would to another student.
· Write in short to medium-sized paragraphs.
· Use specific examples from our readings and class discussion.
· Instead of footnotes, provide page numbers (410) or section numbers.
· Relate your answers to major concepts and trends we have covered.
· Note how specific things in the pictures add to our understanding.