After reviewing some of the regulatory guidance, we can see the critical involvement of the FAA in the usage of simulators for aircrew training. Comment on the issue you find critical to training or safety in the usage of flight simulators for training. Reference their regulatory guidance. Include the subjects in the title of your thread.
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10 – Validation Data Suitability and Availability
This policy defines requirements for flight test data acquisition and availability. It intends to
satisfy requirements found in 14 CFR Part 60 § 60.13, the appropriate QPS Appendix , and
Appendix E, Table E1, Element 12(a).
This policy includes all FSTDs sponsored by [SPONSOR].
_____ is responsible for maintenance and dissemination of this process; _______is/are
responsible for execution.
Qualification Test Guides (QTG’s) developed in support of an initial evaluation for new
FSTD’s entering into service will be reviewed to ensure that all validation data has been
derived from an acceptable source:
Aircraft manufacturer’s flight test data and/or other data as defined in a Validation Data Roadmap (VDR) found to be acceptable by the FAA.
Other validation data source found to be acceptable by the FAA.
Furthermore, the validation data source will be evaluated to ensure that it incorporates any
relevant changes to the aircraft since the type certificate was issued that affect performance
and handling qualities or other aircraft functions that have been determined to affect flight
crewmember training, evaluation, or experience requirements. This evaluation will typically
involve review of the aircraft type certificate, airworthiness directives, and the FAA flight
standardization board (FSB) reports for changes to the aircraft that could potentially affect
To these ends, QTG’s shall be reviewed with the FSTD manufacturer or any contractor
providing such services, and [SPONSOR] will affirm that:
An approved validation data package was used in the modeling of the FSTD.
The FSTD performance and handling qualities matched that of the aircraft being simulated.
All data is up-to-date with respect to changes, i.e. airworthiness directives issued since data package development. Manufacturer shall provide records validating that the
FSTD is up-to-date at the time of initial qualification.
Further, the Validation Data Package used in the modeling of the FSTD will be presented in
the Master Quality Test Guide (MQTG) and made available to the NSPM upon any request.
As described above, this validation Data Package will include the aircraft manufacturer’s flight
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test data or other data approved by the NSPM and all relevant data developed after the type
certificate was issued (e.g., data developed in response to an airworthiness directive) if the data
results from a change in performance, handling qualities, functions, or other characteristics of
the aircraft that must be considered for flight crew member training, evaluation, or experience
Refer to 26 – Records Control Policy for details on record documentation and retention.
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23 – MMI Reporting and Tracking
This procedure defines requirements for reporting and tracking Missing, Malfunctioning, or
Inoperative components of an FSTD. It covers components determined to be MMIs (22 –
MMI Classification Policy) and intends to satisfy requirements found in §60.25, and Appendix
E, Table E1, Element 31(a)(b). Also reference NSP Guidance Bulletin 08-01.
This policy shall include all FSTDs owned, operated or sponsored by [SPONSOR].
_____ is responsible for maintenance and dissemination of this process; _______is/are
responsible for execution.
(Reference NSP Guidance Bulletin 08-01 found at:
1. Enter a Discrepancy in DRTS (Discrepancy Reporting and Tracking System).
2. Enter applicable information. The person completing the DR may or may not know if the problem is indeed an MMI. If the person writing the DR does not know, it will be the
responsibility of the person performing corrective action to make the determination. The
S-MR or Chief Pilot may also be consulted. If an MMI is appropriate, notify the S-MR,
and enter the details in the MMI part of the Administrative section of the DR report.
3. Record an entry in the MMI list within DRTS.
4. If the MMI has been open for 30 days, the S-MR will obtain the most current NSP Evaluation Report Form (T002), and enter applicable information into the “Sponsor
Reportable MMI Components” section. Complete processing is explained in the
instructions located on the T002 form.
5. E-Mail the form to the NSP Duty Officer at 9-aso-avr-sim- If e-mail service is unavailable, an alternate fax number is provided on the T002 form. (Note that the
reporting requirement is only applicable to MMI component discrepancies that will remain
uncorrected beyond thirty days of being recorded).
6. NSP should respond within five business days and we retain implied authorization to continue operating the FSTD during this time period. It is expected that a reasonable
request for extension to correct MMI component(s) will be granted by the NSPM as long
as appropriate training, checking, and testing restrictions have been imposed by.
7. If additional extensions are required repeat steps 4 to 6 above.
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8. Once corrected, the S-MR shall review the corrective action and close the associated discrepancy and MMI entry.
Refer to 26 – Records Control Policy for details on record documentation and retention.